In my classes I interweave the body wisdom of Anusara Yoga, the breath focus of Vini Yoga, the surrender of Yin & Restorative Yoga with the deep rest & silence of Yoga Nidra& Meditation to create a flowing & integrated journey.

I sat my first silent Vipassana Meditation retreat in 2008, it had a profound affect on my yoga teaching and transformed my relationship with myself. I aspire to bring the insights, clarity & compassion of Vipassana Meditation and Buddhism to my classes.

I spent my late 20s and early 30s in India studying yoga, practicing meditation, teaching yoga, deepening my sadhana (spiritual practice) and immersing myself in Indian wisdom traditions. My yoga practice and teaching is inspired and nourished every day by my time in India. I aim to convey through my teaching the intuitive, whole-hearted, freedom of expression that India showed me was possible.

The Breath
In 2010 I sat a 40 day silent meditation retreat with Jaya Ashmore and Jess Huon in India. It was, aside from childbirth, the most powerful, visceral thing I've ever done. There were many moments of bliss and insight but much of time was spent sitting with difficulty, sadness, pain, trauma and grief. Those 40 days of silence taught me the power of the breath to heal, to bear witness, to stay steady, and to open to love, joy and peace.